Children with access to tablets, computers or smart phones generally also have next to unlimited access to the Internet. Never underestimate their ability to share pictures through the many available media, regardless of how young they may be, because they are very clever when it comes to using those media.
Children, even very young ones, have been known to post sexually explicit videos on digital platforms such as Facebook, YouTube, TikTok and others, either by mistake or out of curiosity, or simply because they do not understand the consequences of their action. That is what we refer to as sexual self-exploitation.
With very young children, the sharing does not generally have a sexual purpose or an intent to please, but rather is done out of curiosity or in a carefree manner. However, predators who lay their hands on such material may use it for malicious purposes.
For someone under 18 years of age, sexual self-exploitation involves sharing intimate or sexual photos or videos of themselves through various means (text message, website, etc.). In so doing, the child sexually exploits him or herself while producing and distributing child pornography.
Child pornography consists of any photo or video representation, and any textual or sound recording featuring one or more individuals under 18 years of age or presented as such, that:
Consult the page on sharing intimate pictures (sexting and child pornography) to learn more about this topic and to find out what the SPVG is doing to prevent this type of situation, as well as tips on addressing this topic with your child.
It is important to be vigilant and to simply accept that no part of the Web is entirely safe. Every social platform and every discussion forum — event private ones — where pictures and videos can be exchanged could be a high-risk place for a child or teen.
For additional information about Internet security, check out the Internet Security (Caught in the WEB) page. This is an introduction to the digital universe that includes information about the risks to which children and teens are exposed, as well as a set of tools to help parents feel better prepared and equipped.
The platform is an information site designed to inform parents and children. It is set up in the form of games to help children learn more about the use of the Internet and the risks associated with uploading pictures.
Consultez la page Partage d'images intimes (sextage et pornographie juvénile) pour en apprendre davantage sur le sujet, ainsi que pour savoir quelles mesures sont prises par le SPVG pour prévenir ce type de situations de même que pour des conseils sur la façon d'aborder le sujet avec votre enfant.