Ce communiqué a été publié le 26 mai 2022. L'information dans ce communiqué pourrait ne plus être à jour et certains liens pourraient ne plus être fonctionnels.
Ville de Gatineau
News release
Update – Water levels for the Gatineau River
Gatineau, May 26, 2022. – Gatineau is continuing to monitor water levels with the support of expert partners. It is pursuing its preparations, crews have been mobilized and adjusted as the situation changes. Shoreline residents are also asked to keep preparing.
Quick facts
The withdrawal from the Baskatong tank is done in a continuous and controlled manner.
That, combined with current rainfall and expected precipitation over the coming days, is affecting water levels in the Gatineau River.
The sectors most at risk remain the same, that is to say those between the Alonzo-Wright Bridge and rue Moreau.
At this point, water levels are stable. According to Hydro-Quebec, the forecasted increase in the level of the Gatineau River is estimated at 40 cm at the Alonzo-Wright Bridge.
Although those news are encouraging, we must all remain vigilant. Shoreline residents must: - pick up sand bags at our four distribution sites. Bulk sand and bags are also available at those locations; - build their dikes; - prepare their 72-hour emergency kits; and - continue to follow updates on the municipal website.
Important reminders: - Flood victims must register with Gatineau by calling 311 (option 4). - Regarding the Ottawa River, all experts indicate that water levels should remain well below flood thresholds. - If it becomes necessary, Gatineau will open a centre for flood victims at the Stade-Pierre-Lafontaine arena at 255 rue Saint-Antoine.
Other updates
The fire department has completed its field visits.
Yesterday, 16,175 sand bags were distributed.
Gatineau has 90,000 sand bags ready to go. Production is estimated at 20,000 bags per day.
"This morning, I had the opportunity to exchange with Ms. Sophie Brochu, CEO of Hydro-Quebec, to update on the post-storm situation and the risk of flooding in Gatineau. We also went to the field to observe the water levels at the Alonzo-Wright Bridge. This meeting and these discussions confirm to me that we are working hand in hand and collaborating with the same objective, which is to ensure the safety of our citizens", explains the Mayor of Gatineau, Mrs. France Bélisle.
Reconnue pour sa qualité de vie, Gatineau est une ville de 298 000 habitants. Elle est située sur la rive nord de la rivière des Outaouais, et s'étend à l'est et à l'ouest de la rivière Gatineau.