Ville de Gatineau
Adoption of Gatineau's 2021 Budget – A City Moving Forward on All Fronts
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Ville de Gatineau
News release
Adoption of Gatineau's 2021 Budget – A City Moving Forward on All Fronts

Gatineau, December 8, 2020. – Gatineau today tabled a responsible budget that will enable it to move forward and be present on all fronts to defend the interests of its residents. This budget is consistent with the financial framework approved by the Municipal Council based on the study prepared by the Comité d'analyse approfondie du budget.

Quick facts

Gatineau has prepared a $671.5 M balanced budget.
- Gatineau has been actively involved in efforts to convince the other government levels to provide financial assistance to offset the repercussions of the pandemic.
- Thanks to the assistance provided, Gatineau will be able to comply with the financial framework approved by the Municipal Council without reducing services or cutting any infrastructure projects.
- An initial portion of the $29.3 M in government assistance has been allocated to the 2020 Budget, and the balance will cover the financial repercussion of the pandemic.
The tax increase for 2021 will be 2.1%, which is equivalent to $61 for a $256,000 median residence. That tax increase consists of two components:
-1.6% to maintain and enhance services to residents; and
-0.5% for infrastructure catch-up.
An additional $4.42 will be added to the tax account to maintain four additional bulky item collections and extend the ecocentres' hours of operation.
It should be noted that this is smallest increase since 2005 for a third consecutive year.

Principal investments

For 2021, total investments under the Plan d'investissements – volet maintien will come to $133.7 M for infrastructure maintenance and retrofits.
Debt servicing represents 9.5% of Gatineau's expenses, a decrease of $830,000 from 2020.
The 2021 Budget contains several service enhancements and increases in existing envelopes. In addition, large amounts have been set aside to protect the environment, fight climate change and fight social inequality. Finally, significant investments are being made to promote economic development and public transportation.

- $520,000 to top up the operating budget for the newly built Donalda-Charron library in the Plateau neighbourhood (opening in December 2020).
- $114,000 to fund the Plan de développement du plein air urbain in accordance with the funding plan approved in 2019.
- $125,000 for the proposed creation of the Office de consultation publique de Gatineau (2nd portion).
- $60,000 to support cultural organizations (L'Avant-première – bâtiment numéro 9).
- $175,000 to fund two additional applications of dust suppressant on unpaved roads.

- $180,000 to optimize the ecocentres' hours of operation.
- $420,000 to maintain eight annual bulky item collections.

- $385,000 for the emergency assistance program for homeless families.
- $231,000 for the first structured municipal response to homelessness, with an action plan to clarify roles and allocate the appropriate resources.

- Additional funding of $597,000 for the Plan stratégique de développement économique 2021-2026 and the new ID Gatineau protocol (annual investments doubled for a total of $5 M over five years) to top up Gatineau's existing economic development initiatives.
- $150,000 to fund the social economy policy.
- $100,000 for the Fonds stratégique pour les opportunités de rayonnement de Gatineau.
- $25,000 for the Marché public du Plateau.

- $3M to maintain and improve the Société de transport de l'Outaouais (STO) public transit offer, bringing Gatineau's assessed contribution to $71.6M.

- $109,000 more annually for the new commemorative public art program.
- $200,000 more annually for the annual traffic calming measures program, for a $450,000 total envelope.
- $400,000 more annually for IT development to support new work methods, for a $4.7 M total envelope.


“Needless to say, the pandemic overshadowed this year's budget exercise, hitting us hard financially. In spite of it all, with the last budget of this Municipal Council, we have managed to move Gatineau forward. As always, Gatineau is working on all fronts defending the interests of our fellow residents, as it has since the start of this pandemic, and as it has during every crisis in the past few years,” indicated Gatineau Mayor Maxime Pedneaud-Jobin.


Associated links

Budget review 2021

Associated documents

2021 tax account explanatory pamphlet

Mayor's speech – Budget 2021

Budget 2021 Document

– 30 –
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Published by
Service des communications
Ville de Gatineau
Service des communications
Ville de Gatineau

À propos de Gatineau

Reconnue pour sa qualité de vie, Gatineau est une ville de 292 000 habitants. Elle est située sur la rive nord de la rivière des Outaouais, et s'étend à l'est et à l'ouest de la rivière Gatineau.

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