Ville de Gatineau
Gatineau sets in place measures to help residents having to do work because of the flooding
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Ce communiqué a été publié le 25 mai 2017. L'information dans ce communiqué pourrait ne plus être à jour et certains liens pourraient ne plus être fonctionnels.

Ville de Gatineau
News release
Gatineau sets in place measures to help residents having to do work because of the flooding

Gatineau, May 23, 2017. – Gatineau is setting in place a number of measures to help residents whose homes have been damaged by floodwaters. The purpose of the measures is to speed up restoration for those affected, in recognition of the provincial government's legislative framework. Gatineau is required to ensure compliance with Quebec's policy on the protection of riverbanks, shore areas and floodplains, which has governed the construction, modification, expansion and reconstruction of buildings in the floodplain since 1987. Any development or work in a floodplain is also governed by the provincial policy.

A dedicated team, by-law amendments and free permits are some of the measures that will be set in place by Gatineau.

Quick facts

To help property owners navigate through the process:
-Owners will be able to run a property search through the municipal Web site at They will also be able to obtain information about the applicable by-laws. The required permits, documents to be tabled and online application forms will also be available there. Those Web pages should be online in the week of June 5, 2017.
-A dedicated team will be assigned to process the applications.
-Residents' quick access is still 311.
-Special sessions of the Comité consultatif d'urbanisme and of the Municipal Council will be held as required. Those sessions will be used to accelerate the processing of applications concerned by the by-law on the Jacques-Cartier/Saint-Jean-Baptiste heritage site. The same will apply for applications falling under the by-law on architectural implementation and integration plans.
- Building permits and certificates of authorization, when required, will be free for work required due to damage caused by the flooding. This will be in effect until September 1, 2018.
It should be noted that there are two ways to request information and permits:
- The financial assistance program introduced by the Government of Quebec:…
- Municipal building permits for work involving labour and materials costing more than $5,000. Permits are also required, regardless of the value, for work involving: the foundation, the structure or the interior walls; increasing a building's total surface area; fire separation, sprinklers, fire detection and protection systems; window screening or the addition of a window; the replacement of cladding materials; water supply and wastewater treatment structures (well, septic system).
In addition, amendments will be made to three by-laws: zoning, construction and planning by-law administration.


“We know that it will not be easy for residents hurt by the flooding to regain their normal life. The new measures will alleviate their burden. Information will be more accessible thanks to a dedicated team assigned to their needs. Eliminating the costs associated with the issuance of permits will accelerate the processes,” pointed out Gatineau Mayor Maxime Pedneaud-Jobin.

“Gatineau has not seen flooding of this magnitude for more than 40 years. The regulatory framework governing floodplains is set by the Government of Quebec,” indicated Municipal Councillor and chair of the Comité consultatif d'urbanisme Richard M. Bégin.

Associated link

Réglementation et gestion des demandes – Zones inondables

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Service des communications
Ville de Gatineau
Service des communications
Ville de Gatineau

À propos de Gatineau

Reconnue pour sa qualité de vie, Gatineau est une ville de 292 000 habitants. Elle est située sur la rive nord de la rivière des Outaouais, et s'étend à l'est et à l'ouest de la rivière Gatineau.

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