Ville de Gatineau
COVID-19 - Update for Gatineau
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Ce communiqué a été publié le 7 avril 2020. L'information dans ce communiqué pourrait ne plus être à jour et certains liens pourraient ne plus être fonctionnels.

Ville de Gatineau
News release
COVID-19 - Update for Gatineau

Gatineau, April 7, 2020. – This is an update by Ville de Gatineau on the COVID-19 situation, and a reminder of some of the important information about measures set in place to deal with the virus. Municipal workers are adapting day by day as the situation evolves. They remain on duty, ensuring that essential services are provided.

Quick facts

Municipal parks

Gatineau has restricted access to municipal parks to limit the propagation of COVID-19. This includes making play structures, playgrounds and sports fields off limits.
Since April 1, a team has been in place to patrol the parks and pathways, and remind the public of the need to maintain physical distancing measures.
The 10-member team is out every day, including weekends, from noon to 7 p.m.
The employees on the team practice the safety measures, including the two-metre rule, while on patrol.
They remind people of the access restrictions, including that:
- the play structures, playgrounds and sports fields are off limits;
- the urban furniture should not be used;
- walking dogs on leash is permitted, but the dog exercise areas are off limits;
- the dog parks are closed, with the following exceptions:
parc de la Technologie in the Hull sector;
parc Lamarche in the Gatineau sector; and
parc du Lac-Beauchamp in the Gatineau sector.

Spring cleaning

Street sweeping operations will take longer due to COVID-19, based on staff availability and the need to maintain physical distancing.
Equipment required for street sweeping operations is being readied in all sectors.
Operations will officially begin next week.

Garbage collection

Even during a pandemic, we have to look after the environment.
All regular and special collections will proceed as usual, including the collection of bulky waste and construction residues.
It is important to keep up our good habits and sort our residual materials.
- disinfecting wipes go in the gray bin, never in the toilet;
- trips to the Aéroparc ecocentre and to the waste transfer station should be limited to emergencies only during the pandemic;
- the on-request pick-up of reusable bulky items is suspended;
- the sale of tagged surplus garbage bags is suspended. This is due to interruptions in the supply chain as a result of the Province's instructions - in the meantime, regular plastic bags may be used, with a limit of five bags per collection in addition to the gray bin; and
- the bin repair and delivery service is suspended. Residents can dispose of their residual materials in the appropriate bags (compost, recyclable or garbage).

Roadside checks and controls over gatherings

As part of the effort to prevent the propagation of COVID-19, Service de police de la Ville de Gatineau (SPVG) officers are assigned to strategic locations to limit non-essential movements within the territory.
As instructed by the Province, public health concerns require restrictions on non-essential movements between provinces and regions.
Roadside checks are used to determine on a case-by-case basis whether the trip is essential
Checkpoints have been set up in the following locations:
- Masson-Angers ferry;
- Alexandra Bridge;
- Portage Bridge;
- Chaudière Bridge; and
- Champlain Bridge.

Additional checkpoints may be set up as required.
Since introducing the roadside checks in connection with the COVID-19 pandemic, the SPVG has checked more than 36,000 vehicles, and turned back an average of 6% of those.
- Yesterday, Monday, April 6, 2020, SPVG officers stopped close to 8,000 vehicles at the different checkpoints throughout their territory. They turned back approximately 4% of those as non-essential trips.
- On Saturday and Sunday, April 4 and 5, SPVG officers stopped between 5,000 and 6,000 vehicles each day, and turned back an average of 10% of them.
- On Friday, April 3, SPVG officers stopped more than 9,000 vehicles during roadside checks to limit travel between regions. Close to 5% of those vehicles were turned back.
The SPVG is also patrolling areas of interest and popular spots.
To date, SPVG officers have prepared and submitted to the Directeur des poursuites criminelles et pénales (DPCP) 26 general offence reports related to indoor or outdoor gatherings.
Residents should call 819-246-0222 to report complaints about gatherings.
911 calls should be limited to emergencies.

Economic support

The mandate of the economic development tactical intervention committee that had been set up for Gatineau has been expanded to cover the entire Outaouais area.
The committee has already developed an action plan and implemented several local economic support initiatives.
The action plan is divided into five components:
- strengthen relief measures for businesses;
- keep partners and businesses in the loop through a concerted effort to disseminate information;
- offer training to businesses;
- encourage residents to buy local; and
- help businesses navigate through the different services and financial assistance programs.
A $150 M emergency relief program has been announced. This program involves small business operating capital loans of up to $50 000.These loans are to be managed by regional county municipalities or municipalities. For Gatineau, those loans will be managed by ID Gatineau.
For additional information about some of the measures in place, see the related links below for the April 1 news release.

Accès Gatineau and Accès Gatineau + cards

By April 17 at the latest, Gatineau will extend all Accès Gatineau and Accès Gatineau + cards by 90 days. This free extension will be automatically applied to all cards expiring between March 1, 2020 and February 28, 2021. Residents have until April 17 to call the library at 819 595 7460 to temporarily extend an expired card.

Community gardens

For the 2020 season, Gatineau has 22 community and collective gardens, which is 3 more than last year. Under the current circumstances, special measures will have to be introduced to observe physical distancing and share equipment.
- The committees in charge of the sites will work in consultation with Gatineau to develop the procedures for opening the sites as soon as possible.

Temporary car shelters

Because of the COVID-19 pandemic, Gatineau has extended the deadline for taking down temporary car shelters to May 15, 2020.

Public consultation – Land use plan concordance

Consultations on land use plan concordance will proceed electronically in view of the situation. Consultations had taken place in the Buckingham and Masson-Angers sectors before being interrupted by the pandemic. They will resume at 6:30 p.m. on April 28 for the Hull and Aylmer sectors. Details will be provided shortly.

Exception – Consultations and referendums

Under the March 22, 2020 Government of Quebec order 2020-008, any procedure involving movement or gatherings by residents in connection with decision-making activities of a municipal organization are to be suspended or replaced.
Thus, no public meeting required pursuant to a legislative or regulatory provision applicable to a municipality may take place. This applies, among other things, to meetings related to land use planning.
If the Municipal Council wants to pursue the process of adopting a measure involving the public meeting, it must designate that measure as a priority. To that end, a two-thirds majority vote is required. If passed, the consultation meeting will be replaced by a written consultation, which must be announced at least 15 days ahead of time through a public notice. That effectively cancels the meeting.
The request for authorization to apply the exception will be submitted to the Municipal Council on April 21.

To stay informed

In Quebec, health measures are coordinated by the Direction de la santé publique.
For the latest information, consult Gatineau will be providing regular updates on the situation.


“The situation is changing day by day, and Gatineau is adjusting to the latest instructions from provincial and public health authorities. Gatineau has taken cognizance of Quebec's decision to put the province on pause until May 4. Every effort is being made to adjust and implement Quebec's instructions and keep serving the public. I thank each and every one of you for your show of solidarity. It is important to maintain physical distancing and to limit movements,” indicated Gatineau Mayor Maxime Pedneaud-Jobin

Associated links

Related municipal news releases

Communiqué - La Ville de Gatineau entreprend le balayage des rues (In French only)

Communiqué – Même en cas de pandémie, protéger l'environnement, c'est possible et important (In French only)

COVID-19 – Gatineau's Economic Development Tactical Intervention Committee Expands its Field of Action (April 1, 2020)

COVID-19 – Restrictions on Access to Municipal Parks (March 26, 2020)

Gatineau is Closing its Administrative Offices and Maintaining its Essential Services (March 24, 2020)


Gouvernement du Québec

Décret 2020-008 – Arrêté ministériel – Déclaration de l'état d'urgence sanitaire

Measures taken by Gatineau in connection with COVID-19 (Ville de Gatineau COVID-19 Web page)

Garbage, recyclables, compostables and bulky items

Ecocentres and waste transfer centre

Not down the toilet or down the drain

Online services


Library – Online ressources

Municipal Court

Tickets payments

Municipal Taxes

Urban planning: online permits

Property assessment


– 30 –
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Published by
Service des communications
Ville de Gatineau
Service des communications
Ville de Gatineau

À propos de Gatineau

Reconnue pour sa qualité de vie, Gatineau est une ville de 298 000 habitants. Elle est située sur la rive nord de la rivière des Outaouais, et s'étend à l'est et à l'ouest de la rivière Gatineau.

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