Source: Insurance Bureau of Canada.
If you suffer damage as a result of an event (flood, shoreline erosion, submersion, landslide, etc.), you should apply to the Centre d'appels non urgents at 311. During or after the event, Gatineau could use the list you send to let you know what steps you should take and what provisions are in place for the type of event in question.
After an event, the government may offer financial assistance to the victims.
It may take a few weeks after an event for a decree to be issued concerning the assistance program in question. Eligible expenses will be those related to the principal residence and its basic contents.
To determine whether you are entitled to financial assistance and which expenses are eligible, got to the ministère de la Sécurité publique (MSP) web site.
Recognized for its quality of life, Gatineau is a city of 298,000 inhabitants. It is located on the north shore of the Ottawa River, and extends east and west of the Gatineau River.