News release
Winter storm in progress! Snow removal operations continue!

Gatineau, February 13, 2019 – Snow removal teams of the Ville de Gatineau deploy since last night all the efforts to secure the road network on its territory due to the winter storm in progress. Since yesterday afternoon at 4 pm, the Ottawa-Gatineau region has received more than 40 centimeters of snow. The City invites residents to collaborate with the snow removal operations. Administrative offices are closed for today, February 13.

Quick facts

The snow removal operations will continue throughout the municipality.
Due to the accumulation of snow in progress as well as expected precipitation, administrative offices are closed, such as;
- La Maison du citoyen;
- Municipal court;
- Libraries;
- Client services;
- Sport centre;
- Aquatic centres Lucien-Houle and Paul-Pelletier;
- Arenas;
- Les centres de plein air du parc du Lac-Beauchamp and Lac-Lemay;
- Community centres.
Note all city activities in the following places are also closed;
- Activities in schools;
- Activities in youth centres;
- Théâtre de l'Île;
- Centre culturel du Vieux-Aylmer- Cabaret La Basoche.
The City will maintain open its coordination centre as scheduled for winter storm of more than 25 cm of snow. This centre gathers the following services;
- Police department;
- Fire department;
- Public works;
- Communications;
- Client services;
- Non urgent call centre (CANU);
- Outaouais public transit (STO).
The City asks that you contribute to the efficiency of the snow removal operations by avoiding parking your vehicle in streets as snow removal operations are in progress.
As a reminder, due to the weather conditions, special collections of bulky items and construction residues scheduled for February 13, 14 and 15 have been rescheduled for February 27 until March 1st 2019.


Associated link

Winter storm

– 30 –
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Published by
Service des communications
Ville de Gatineau
Service des communications
Ville de Gatineau