News release
Gatineau making courtesy calls to vulnerable seniors

Gatineau, May 4, 2020. – Ville de Gatineau is paying particular attention to seniors during this time of imposed isolation due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

Quick facts

In an effort to alleviate the isolation caused by COVID-19, Gatineau is making courtesy calls to vulnerable seniors.
The main purpose of these calls is to:
- reassure and support vulnerable seniors;
- minimize the distress caused by isolation;
- ensure the (food and medical) safety of seniors; and
- guide people in need towards the appropriate resources.
Municipal employees will make the calls over the next few weeks.
The people who will be called are seniors:
- aged 70 and over;
- living in communities with many other vulnerable seniors.
These calls are complementary to the CISSSO action plan to reach seniors throughout the territory.


“Our courtesy calls are in addition to those already being made by health care units and agencies. They are a complement to what is currently being done, and will help us keep an eye on our senior. I invite you to do the same. Pick up the phone, call your aunt, your grandfather, and your parents. It's our turn to be there for them, just as they were there for us when we needed them,” indicated Renée Amyot, President of Commission Gatineau, Ville en santé.

Associated link

Gatineau, Ville en santé

Reference Web page

Gouvernement du Québec

Centre intégré de santé et de services sociaux de l'Outaouais

COVID-19 (page Web de la Ville de Gatineau)

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Published by
Service des communications
Ville de Gatineau
Service des communications
Ville de Gatineau